Sunday, June 8, 2008

Going Green: Grenite Countertops

Great new material for countertops...and, it's Green! From their website:

Grenite™ is the brand name for a patented surface material developed by Greneker Solutions and RMD, Inc. Grenite is a ceramic/resin matrix that yields extraordinary resistance to surface wear and tear. It is the first surface material which is conceived with ecological soundness. Up to 85% of Grenite can be post industrial waste which we recycle back into productive service as we manufacture Grenite. After that, 100% of Grenite is recyclable, ready to be used again in the creation of new Grenite. As our upcoming programs mature, Grenite will gain complete Cradle to Cradle sustainability.

Grenite™ is manufactured via a cold-pour molded method or production. No VOC’s are released into atmosphere. No by-products, precipitates or residual wastes which need to be disposed of are created. The process occurs at room temperature; no additional energy is required to drive the manufacturing process. Finally, 100% of Grenite™ is recyclable, becoming the basis to build new Grenite. Our goal is to make Grenite not only “green”, but part of a new generation of products which conform to the Cradle to Cradle Design Protocol. By design, these material can exist in a perpetual closed loop, continually serving as both finished product and new raw material and never contributing to the pollution and land fill waste problems facing our society.

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